Sunday, August 3, 2008



SWAT 4 features a single-player campaign in which the player has to lead their SWAT element through 13 missions. The missions are not related and there is no overarching storyline. The game aims to have gameplay similar to the real SWAT experience. For example, it encourages the use of non-lethal weapons to subdue and arrest subjects rather than shooting them. In addition, players must follow strict protocol to ensure proper use of force. Players may not fire on suspects with lethal weapons unless the suspect points their firearm at a fellow officer or a civilian.
All missions start with a pre-mission briefing which describes the situation and gives whatever details are available on the suspects and / or hostages. For some missions, a 911 call is heard, which can give a clue on what to expect, and what equipment should be chosen for that situation. The briefing identifies mission goals, which consists of bringing order to chaos by arresting or neutralizing all suspects, and rescue all hostages or other civilians. Sniper support may also be provided, but the snipers' views are limited to static parts of the map, often covering a single window. Different objectives may include the capture of a specific suspect, finding out the fate of an undercover officer, or defusing explosives.


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