IPod Music Player
- there are language translating issues
- create/delete playlists works 100%
- play music/video off your iPhone on the PC works 100%
- copy music to/from iPhone/PC works 100%, drag/drop with your mouse!!
- copy movies from PC to iPhone works 100%, drag/drop with your mouse!!
- while copying movies iPhone PC Suite also do the converting,
– you need to put the video file in a playlist for iPhone’s iPod to “see” it…
Photos, download/Upload pics to/from PC and iPhone Camera Roll, works 100%
Calendar, works 100%
Contacts, works, but there are language translating issues
SMS, works mostly….
Notes, works 100%
eBook, works 100%
Call log, works 100%
SMS Chat, works 100%, send SMS to someone from PC through iPhone
Safari, bookmark management, works 100%
Apps, for pxl-files, mostly chinese, not so useful - and very buggy…
Finder, works 100%, very useful
Backup/Restore, works 100%, a MUST….
Sound Themes, works…
Ringtones, works, but custom ringtones are “lost” after an iTunes sync…
SMS Themes, works 100%
inder - a file manager
Photos - Allows you to download large image size (so far works only with the standard album ???Camera???)
iTunes - allows download music and video from a computer to the phone (sadly, not in the phone download)
EBooks - allows for the creation of the book in html format for reading them on the phone (and handles umd txt files)
Notes - notes manager
SMS - Manage your sms??™
Phone - Call Manager
Contacts - so far limited functionality, not tested.
Ringtones - can alter sounds UISounds and add new ???Own??? in iTunes_Control ringtones. Do convert from mp3 and wav in m4r. (disadvantage: in sync with the iTunes ringtones Deleted)
Backup/Restore - creates restore points (on your selections) and restore them.
*Note: in the process of installaion several times you need to restart your iphone and also you nees to add the source i.unlock.no on your iphone and istall ziphone iBrick patch
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